Rule 345-6-.02: Scope of Practice of Massage Therapy Students
- A person pursuing a course of study leading to a degree or certificate as a massage therapist in an educational program recognized by the board may engage in the practice, services or activities of massage or massage therapy when such person is:
- Actively enrolled in a massage therapy program or school approved by the Board
- Designated by title indicating student status and shall not represent themselves as a massage therapist or massage practitioner
- Fulfilling uncompensated work experiences required for the attainment of the degree or certificate. For the purpose of this rule “uncompensated” means a person in student status may not intentionally or knowingly agree to accept any compensation, directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, in cash or in kind, or in form of payments, gifts, tips, remuneration, or rewards to or from any person or entity for services rendered while in student status.
- The primary responsibility for the services provided for clients by the designated student rests with the licensed massage therapist supervisor or other authorized instructor.
- Documentation of all services for clients and treatment plans must be reviewed and approved by the licensed massage therapist supervisor.