Complaint Policy & Procedure

The official complaint procedure of Middle Georgia School of Massage must be adhered to in the event an incident happens. If a student feels that their rights have been violated, either by a staff member or by a fellow student, the following steps must be taken:

  1. A Grievance Form shall be obtained from the Program Director without any recriminations or public disclosure.
  2. The student will fill out the form and hand deliver the completed Grievance Form to the Program Director within 10 days of the alleged incident. The Program Director will sign the form and a copy will be made and returned to the student for their records.
  3. After the student has turned in the form to the Program Director a meeting will be set within 10 days to discuss the grievance, all applicable information will be reviewed and a resolution to the conflict will be sought.
  4. The Program Director makes the final institutional decision concerning the incident.
  5. If the conflict is directly with the Program Director, an independent mediator will be designated that is agreeable to both parties for the conflict’s resolution.
  6. After an investigation into the incident has concluded a final written decision will be given to the student and placed into their file.

The student has the right to appeal the final decision made by Middle Georgia School of Massage, LLC.

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission

202 East Exchange Place
Suite 220 Tucker, Georgia 30084
Phone: 770-414-3300
Fax: 770-414-3309

The Commission requires that students utilize and complete their institution’s grievance procedure in an attempt to resolve any complaint or concern before submitting a complaint to the Commission. If the institution’s resolution is not satisfactory, a student may then appeal to the Commission, but it will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution.

The GNPEC Student Complaint Rules:

GNPEC Student Complaint Form: